We’re coming home!

It’s great to be back in the tower again!  We are limited to six ringers – but the very features that people tell us are the downsides of Kildwick tower (a door opening directly outside; a draught howling through the ringing chamber; a ceiling somewhere up there in the cloudbase) are just the features that make ringing in these Covid-ridden times more possible.

With our ground floor ring, we need not limit the numbers;  six in the tower, ringing – and any others, sitting in the churchyard, listening.

And we’re doing well, too.  We’re all a bit rusty after a long lay-off.  It’s also salutary to realise that, when you ring regularly,  your hands do toughen up a bit and muscles do build up.  There’s nothing to notice at the time – but you do realise you’ve missed it when starting again!

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