Category Archives: Uncategorised

We gave it our best shot…

Our Thursday Ringing Room band is making great progress! Our performances are clearly not up to the standards of all those Clever Ringers out there, but when you combine the average age of the participants (just over 12) – and … Continue reading

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Oh, No!

… so it’s back to Lockdown 3 Following the announcement of a further period of national lockdown, with heavy hearts, we have decided that it is right to suspend public worship in our church buildings for now. The regulations don’t … Continue reading

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No Festival this year

Although the decision is pretty academic for the Kildwick MiniRingers, there will be no Skipton Music Festival this year – and so no chance to defend the two trophies that they won last year. Even if the Festival had gone … Continue reading

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Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas to you all! It was a real joy, yesterday, to take advantage of the Christmas relaxation of the rules – and to sound out joyfully for Christmas. Bells across the country sounded out together and we rang at … Continue reading

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The first Kildwick practice for some weeks

We met – a few of us – and rang together! Just five of us gathered and by the end of the session we had managed three leads of Bob Doubles.  Of course, this was a “virtual meeting” which, once … Continue reading

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We should soon be ringing!

Ringing advice Following four months of sad silence, we will soon be making a joyful noise to summon folk to church.  True, it’ll just be four bells – but it’s a start! A few of us have been feeding our … Continue reading

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Place Notation

There are several things that we can do to keep the Bell Ringing Brain Cell in action. One of these is to play with some worksheets. These will appear irregulary from time to time. Find them here: Some Resources (or on … Continue reading

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Looks like it is “That’s All” for a while…

What a pity – I had hoped to run a once-a-month quarter peal attempt this year.  We scored one in January and another in February, but, even when we get back to our Yorkshire Tail Ends, it’ll be a while … Continue reading

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A Triumph – eventually

Frankly, the opening piece of their entry in the Skipton Music Festival 2020 lacked a certain degreee of… well, pretty well everything! In hindsight, they should have stopped and restarted. However, they rang Bobby Shafto better than I’ve ever heard … Continue reading

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